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The Contracting Awards

The Contracting Awards recognise the top contractor suppliers in the UK, praising recipients on their contribution to the fields of accountancy, tax and umbrella services to name but a few. Our success with these awards not only to shows you the high level of service and compliance clients have come to expect from us over the years but also our dedication to strive to keep improving every year to meet the evolving nature of our industry.

Which categories have PayStream entered?




Best Contractor Accountancy
Best Umbrella Company
Best Contractor Innovation

Best Contractor Accountancy

This category recognises excellence in providing accounting services to the contracting community. Including outstanding customer service, expert advice and excellent value for money.

Best Contractor Accountancy

Best Umbrella Company

This category recognises the best umbrella company supporting the contractor market. The umbrella will showcase excellence in customer service, have a strong commitment to compliance and provide added value to customers.

Best Umbrella Company

Best Contractor Innovation

This category rewards the companies that are creating products that make a difference to the contracting industry in the form of innovative solutions that fulfil a need in the contractor market.


Best Contractor Innovation

Awards By Year

The Contracting Awards 2024

In the upcoming Contracting Awards, PayStream have been nominated for both the Best Umbrella Company (over 3,000 clients) and Best Contractor Accountancy (over 2,500 clients) for the fifth year in a row. Alongside this, we've been nominated in the new category Best Contractor Screening & Verification Provider for our Candidate Screening service.

The Contracting Awards 2023

At the most recent Contracting Awards PayStream were voted both Best Umbrella Company (over 1,500 clients) for the third consecutive year and Best Contractor Accountancy (over 2,500 clients) for the third time overall. The judges highlighted our dedication to customer service and positive customer reviews. 

The Contracting Awards 2022

In 2022 PayStream were named Best Umbrella Company (over 1,500 clients). This accolade was given to us after a panel of judges deemed we had ‘excelled’ in our ‘dedication to customer service and ensuring contractors are paid on time.’ This isn’t the first time our focus on delivering exceptional customer service has been recognised and it certainly won’t be the last.

The Contracting Awards 2020

In 2020, we did what no other provider had done before and scooped a trio of awards. They included; Best Contractor Innovation for our IR35 Comply review service. According to the judges, IR35 Comply was an outstanding innovation in a crowded market that fulfilled a strong need. Alongside this we also won Best Umbrella Company (over 1,500 clients) for which the judges highlighted our excellent level of customer service reflected by real testimonials from clients. Finally, PayStream were named Best Contractor Accountancy (over 2,500 clients) where we were praised for our wide range of resources including our IR35 Comply portal.

The Contracting Awards 2019

At the inaugural Contracting Awards, PayStream were named Best Contractor Accountancy (over 2,500 clients). The judges remarked on our very high level of compliance and professionalism.

It is an honour to once again be recognised for our efforts in providing exceptional and tailored services. These accolades are a testament to our team's hard work, dedication, and commitment to striving to be the best in our sector. I couldn’t be prouder of the level of service delivered to our contractors and agencies by every single one of the team throughout the company, it’s phenomenal.

Andrew Cleal, Chief Executive Officer

PayStream would always advise any end client, agency or contractor to check the company's accreditations before engaging with their accountancy or payroll services.

View our accreditations
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