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Exclusively for CIS contractors
As a CIS sole trader you are required to complete and file a Self Assessment tax return, something which is both time consuming and often confusing.
However if done correctly, depending on your circumstances, it could result in a tax rebate in the region of £1300*.
Staying on top of your expenses isn't always at the forefront of your mind which is why we have created our expenses review service. We will not only prepare and file your tax return for you, but also help you to identify all eligible tax expenses and provide you with advice on record keeping to maximize your claim.
All this will help to save you time and ensure you get all the tax relief you’re entitled to. Sign up today for just £250 + VAT using the form below.
*Subject to being a basic rate taxpayer with CIS deductions, expenses to claim and no other income in the tax year.
Sign up today for just £250 + VAT. Alternatively for more information on our CIS Expenses Review Service, please email
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